Meet Tia G. ... AKA Your Sassy Black Friend
Nov 05, 2021
Tia G. (AKA Your Sassy Black Friend) is setting a new standard for how to live your best life every single day. Her commitment to enjoying life is a testament to a new way of existing in the human experience. As the CEO of her own destiny she chooses to work towards finding joy and meaning every day. She specializes in helping others do the same. She also finds passion growing her digital marketing agencies Strategic Website Solutions, and Elite Conversions.
What kind of work do you do?
I am an entrepreneur! I have two digital marketing agencies and a coaching business helping people live their best life by getting in touch with what really makes them happy.
With my digital marketing agencies (one local, one international) I love working with people to combine branding and marketing so their websites not only look amazing and represent the values of their company… but also gets traffic to their site that converts into loyal customers.
With my coaching clients I help them find the confidence and desire to go after their big dreams, while guiding them through the daily actions and habits that will help them turn those dreams into their reality.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
Life. I want complete time and location freedom with unlimited abundance. I knew that the only way I could have that was to create it for myself.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
I think the biggest struggle with anything is mindset. I kind of wish it was a set it and forget it situation. But, it’s actually a full time job with no retirement. At every level the amount of success you achieve is directly related to how much time, energy, and money you invest in working on yourself.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
Nah. Never. I’m so locked into my why there will never be anything that stops me now.
What have you learned since beginning?
Mindset. It’s all about what you believe about yourself to be true.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Taking imperfect action will get you further faster than waiting for everything to be perfect and never starting.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
Get a coach or a mentor who is already doing well what you want to do. And always be working on your mindset.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
When a group of guys I am on a team with in one of my courses asked me to be the captain of our squad, and in turn project manage the agency we formed.
Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development?
Rich as Fuck by Amanda Francis. It was the first book I read about money mindset and it helped me go from being afraid to invest in my business to putting in my last twenty grand with full confidence it’s coming back ten fold.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
I have made the best connections (like with you!) in Facebook groups. When done right they create a safe space for positive connections and rock solid support.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
People trying to sell something on a post when it’s clear they haven’t read the post. Someone joining a group and trying to sell their offer without getting to know the vibe of the group.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
I love using Trello to help keep track of my work, and my VA’s.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
If it’s possible for them, if it’s possible for me, it is absolutely possible for you too. Everyone has access to what it takes to live your best life, and anyone willing to do the uncomfortable work on themselves can come out the other side lighter and free from the constrains and limits they have been placing on themselves.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I have written a chapter for Journey to my Soul, coming to Amazon on Tuesday November 16th, 2021. All the proceeds from the Kindle version are going to support Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women USA.
I am taking on one-to-one coaching clients for, Your Sassy Black Friend’s Best Life Bootcamp! Looking for people who are fully ready to start living their best life everyday. Even if they don’t know what that looks like just yet. I’m going to help them figure it out.
What has being successful taught you?
You have to believe in your own success at all costs. Before anyone else does. Before there is any evidence to show you it’s true. You have to be absolutely certain of your success before you even begin and when you are, success becomes absolutely inevitable.
What are some fun facts about you?
I swear like a trucker. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.
I say things literally that most people say figuratively,
“We weathered the storm” - my ex-husband and I got caught in the worst hurricane ever recorded (at the time). I was in the Dominican Republic when hurricane Irma rolled through. The airline didn’t notify me that they were evacuating and by the time I found out… flights were cancelled. Our roof came off while we were standing under it.
“My head exploded.” - no, really. Brain 🧠 aneurysm haemorrhage in my right frontal lobe when I was between college and university. Don’t worry. I’m fine... now.
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