Meet Taylor LaShay... Online Holistic Life Coach
Jul 19, 2021
Interview with Taylor LaShay:
My name is Taylor LaShay, I am 24 years young, I stay for in savannah Georgia with my partner of 6 years and our two fry babies, Lillie a blue nose pitbull, & baby girl a red nose pit bull/ husky mix ! I’m a free spirit who finds enjoyment in asking the all telling question, “but why” followed with okay “but how?” and exploring the infinite answers that allow me to explore this intriguing world we live in.
What kind of f work do you do?
~I am an online holistic life coach that dives into therapeutic coaching that helps people from all walks of life heal from blocks of trauma, frustrations, and expectations, by being growth focused on their life goals and creating new ways to achieve those goals with a strong mindset, confidence, & support.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
~ i was inspired when once again I was having to quit a job, because of a lack of order and compassion in the workplace due to poor management. I’ve worked consistently for the last 10 years straight in all sorts of fields and nothing was making me happy. Some jobs kept me happy and financially stable longer than others, but nothing stuck. I kept looking though, because I thought soon I’d have the time and finances from a good job to go back to school for psychology and thought surely I’d be good then with my degree. Then after quitting another job, I felt overwhelmed with how to begin doing something I actually love that will build into my future in psychology, all without having to wait 5 years for schooling and be aligned with my future vision. That’s when I researched related jobs to psychology and found life coaching. Then my journey truly began, because being a life coach presented the opportunity to do what I love but also start a business !
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
~ My biggest struggle has been overcoming myself. I believe any business or job I show up to thrives when I thrive. Even when working for corporate jobs, I’ve always believed if I’m unhappy it’s going to show in my work and no one benefits from that. That puts my job on the line, puts more pressure on my co workers, & only creates resistance. So if me being unhappy and unhealthily stressed mentally, physically, & emotionally has such an impact with a businesses production & my life’s personal progression, then that means that effect is going to be just as impactful when I’m the one running the business, a business that’s produces based on me and my well being. So it’s been a great journey of healing and growth that is and will continue to be ongoing as I and my business grow.
Was there a time you thought about giving up?
~Oh yeah! Many times, many moments of self doubt. Anytime I’m creating something new there’s that small part of me that can create several seemingly factual reasons why I shouldn’t try or why it just won’t work out. The thoughts to give Up come up most and more intensely when things don’t go as I expected or envisioned them after I attempt something new.
What kept you from quitting?
~My ability to rethink, adapt, & question myself that really keeps me from quitting. Its in those times of rethinking what I’m doing and why I’m doing something that I can find a way to rework my approach based on what in my life I feel is holding me back in that moment, based on where I may be at in life, where I am trying to go, and why I’m trying to go there. Staying in touch with my intentions behind something really taps in to that part of myself that stays driven and dedicated, which ends up dictating most of my actions.
What have you learned since beginning?
~Since the beginning I’ve learned that you truly can do anything you put your mind to.I’ve learned to no longer see the world as a key to my mental, physical, financial, spiritual, and emotional freedom but instead use the freedom of my mind to freely see, be, and experience the world mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually in ways that bring me and those around me fulfillment.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
~ “You can’t help anyone else until you help yourself” -Cyndi adams (old acquaintance). I moved out at 17 after years of emotional, mental, & financial turmoil finally came to an explosive head and a friends family took me in for a few months, it was hard to leave because I was leaving my brothers in a place I knew wasn’t good for them but also knew was no good for me. I felt selfish, but then as I lay crying my friends mom explained to me how no matter how much love I have for them, I don’t have a real way circumstantially to help them have a better life. So right now I need to focus on getting myself healthy and happy, because I won’t be able to help them with things I first can’t help myself with. It was sad to hear, but real. That’s when I began intentionally making choices that were gonna help me succeed and provide a good happy life for my brothers and myself.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
~ Do what you have to do, but do what’s best for you. We all have obligations to take care of, but we all also have visions that are worthy of becoming reality. So often we get caught up in surviving we think it takes sacrifice or luck to live the lives we want, but that’s so far from the truth. It’s about creating a way based on your circumstances, so that you can take care of your obligations but ensure one of those obligations is doing things you enjoy.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
~ Gaining a client in the most authentic way. I’ve been in retail sales management for about 6 years, so I cold selling has been something I’ve been taught but never could support ! Hence why I quit retails sales lol. I gained my first client by just being an active member in one of groups and commenting from the heart on a post she made. I’ve continued to get clients and potential clients from just being myself and letting that be the strategy rather than putting myself in a bubble that feels like it’s gonna pop (fail) with one wrong movement or choice.
Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development?
~ Think again by Adam Grant and The secret by Rhonda Byrne. Think again teaches you how to be open minded and create positive helpful thinking habits that strengthen the mindset in honor of strengthening the quality of relationships and ones life. While the secret teaches you the importance of mindset and empowers you to take note of the power of the mind.
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
~ Yes! Routine self check ins (days off). Whether working for someone else or ourselves, time off is really important. I use that time to do things that ground me and help me reset/refocus. For me I journal, meditate, & connect with my inner circle of most trusted loved ones habitually.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
~Social media has amplified the amount connections I’ve been able to make, which opens up more opportunities of personal internal and external expansion and growth.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
~The most common mistake I see are people getting caught up in the algorithm of social media. I notice it’s out a pressure on people to be very self conscious of the amount of people interacting and that’s when people begin copying content and being online telemarketers that give out unsolicited advice or make people uncomfortable in their approach because it was transactional and not transformational.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
~Facebook groups. They allow me to connect and get support in so many different aspects of life, and also allow me to provide support and connection to others around the world. Personal development. As I grow and create more opportunities for myself, it creates more opportunity in my life and business.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
~I wish everyone knew that they aren’t broken, stuck, or limited by where they came from, what they look like, and what they want out of life, but instead limited by the idea that they are limited by those things.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
~I am revamping my current ongoing personal growth and expansion program called project infinity to embody many new valuable lessons I’ve been learning and practicing that have truly allowed me to bring to life the visions I have for myself and put it in a way that can be shared more fully and create greater impacted on the amount of freedom and fulfillment that will be transpire for the people that join when I relaunch sometime in august ! As well as many free masterclasses and my podcast release of the “Radically Intimate Podcast” where I’ll I’ve sharing my experiences, the experiences of others, and defining lessons that have brought us to places of success and fulfillment in our lives.
What has being successful taught you?
~That you really have to be grateful for the good and the bad. Be grateful for the good, because it’ll bring even greater good. Be grateful for the bad, because it’ll always have something to teach you about what to do and what not to do next time.
What are some fun facts about you?
~I’ve almost drowned twice, but still decided for my first job to be a lifeguard. Which was awesome. Saving lives is a fulfilling job !
~I look up to everyone. I feel like it’s common to look up to people who only positively influence us, but I feel everyone has something to teach even if it’s what not to do. So I try to not attach myself to particular people but rather what kind of actions are taken in particular situations and why they worked or didn’t work.
~I cured myself of Type 2 diabetes by creating healthier habits and left behind the medicine. I just really focused on healing and not being dependent on the pills because of many family members history of addiction, I just had an overall fear and dislike of pills and now have ventured so far in my journey of physical and mental well being I have lost 90lbs and truly began healing old wounds, rebuilding relationships. I am more mentally & physically stronger than I could have ever imagined in the past, with much more space to continue to expand in all the best ways !
Connect with Taylor:
Here is a link to my Free Facebook community insight to the inside where I provide support, guidance, and insight on healing, growth, and all the intimate moments and questions that are part of being am ever expanding human:
If anyone would like to find out how they can work with me on some of their own life goals, healing, and/or growth here is a link to my free expansion call, where the client and I will expand on goals, setbacks, and connect with each other:
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