Meet Taylor Eaton... Money Mindset & Human Design Coach

business human design manifesting mindset money taylor eaton women entrepreneurs Jun 20, 2020

Interview with Taylor Eaton

About Taylor

Taylor Eaton is a money mindset & Human Design coach for online entrepreneurs. She helps entrepreneurs scale up to 5-figure months with less hustle and more ease by implementing specialized mindset tools, energy work, strategies, and Human Design. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest with their two dogs and are both fully retired from the 9-5 grind.


What kind of work do you do?

I work with driven entrepreneurs to bust past whatever is blocking them from generating $10k+ months in their businesses! I use a unique mix of mindset work (subconscious reprogramming), energy work (inner-child healing, visualizations, lightworking, etc.), strategy (that is simple, easy to implement, and feels good), and Human Design (to help my clients play to their unique natural strengths). It's a blend of science-backed approaches and spiritual practices!


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I had been in a full time job for almost 5 years and thought to myself: "I can't work 8 hours a day for someone else. It's not fulfilling and it's draining!" I started learning more about becoming a virtual assistant and began working with mindset and business coaches. After a couple months, I realized that I LOVED what they did and how they changed lives, so I decided to invest in learning how to become one!


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

Ultimately I struggled the most with believing in myself (though if you had asked me when I was first starting out, I would have thought I struggled with sales...but really it was just a lack of belief in myself). Being an entrepreneur and pitching your services requires an entirely different type of confidence and sense of self-value than anything else I've encountered in my life. It took me a LONG time to learn how to fully trust myself and how to see myself & my offers as valuable. Once I locked that in, everything changed and I went from $2k months to $20k months because I was able to show up so much more confidently and people are drawn to that! I had to really master my mindset, do some deep healing work, and learn how to honor my particular Human Design to get to that point.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I don't know if I ever really considered giving up altogether. But I definitely had many moments where I wondered if I'd ever really be successful in my business. The biggest thing that kept me from quitting was thinking about what life I WANTED to have - one of total time freedom, an overflow of abundance, massive impact, and fulfillment - and I knew I couldn't have that if I gave up.


What have you learned since beginning?

So much! I've learned that working hard does NOT equal more money or success. In fact, it's the opposite. I've learned that the more you lean into your self-worth and the more you balance your work with play, the more easily money flows to you (because when you're more energetically balanced, you show up so much differently and people are attracted to you - who doesn't want to be around someone who's feeling good?). Our society really buys into the idea that working hard (and often burning yourself out) is the only way to get what you want, but that's simply not true. Otherwise, we'd all be millionaires by now.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

"Stop making your business or your bank account mean anything about you or who you are at your core. You're so much more than all of that." (Really, detaching your worthiness from your results is HUGE and allows you to get to those results faster - since you're not putting so much pressure on them!)


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Do the inner-work. Find a coach, a mentor, or a community that will help you stretch and expand. Being an entrepreneur really requires you to grow in ways you never would have imagined (and face A LOT of your own self-doubt, ego, and fears). You can't bypass this work! Also, surround yourself with likeminded people! Not everyone will get what you do or what you're struggling with as an entrepreneur. Having people who understand is HUGE.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Aside from seeing my clients exponentially grow their income (which is so insanely fulfilling!) - it'd probably be leaving my day job! Followed by making enough (regular 5-figure months) to retire my husband from his day job!


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

For money mindset, I LOVE "It's Not Your Money" by Tosha Silver. For spiritual personal development, I recommend "Light is the New Black" by Rebecca Campbell. And "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero is amazing.


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

My routine often shifts to keep things interesting, but the biggest things I do regularly are: 1. Daily meditation. 2. Daily journaling. 3. Unplugging every Sunday from my business and social media (so I can reconnect with myself). 4. Honoring my Human Design (for me, as a Projector, that means only working 2-3 hours a day!).


How has social media played a factor in your success?

It's been EVERYTHING! My business has been built entirely on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest have been how I've grown my audience and sold all my offers! I love the connectivity and ability to meet so many people in the online space. It's amazing! But too much of anything is a good thing, so I'm very intentional with how much time I spend on social media.


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

There's actually quite a few, depending on the platform you're on. But the biggest one I see is entrepreneurs posting once or twice on a platform and then assuming no one wants to purchase because there was little response. Social media is, in a lot of ways, a numbers game. Not everyone sees everything you post! It's important to show up regularly and promote yourself A LOT! (Especially when first starting out.) This doesn't mean you need to spam everyone's feeds. But you do need to inform people of your offers over and over! You never know who's watching and who isn't seeing your posts but might love your offer.


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

Having a coaching! Seriously, having a coach to help ME uplevel and work through my blocks has been the best investment/tool that I've made in myself and my business. Other than that, I love using Human Design as a tool to create strategy in my business. And having some sort of calendar/call scheduling app and a platform to sell passive offers from has been huge!


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You can be, do, and have anything that you desire. But you have to allow yourself to get out of your own way in order to get there. (That means doing that deep inner-work that's subconsciously blocking you and understanding that fear isn't a bad thing - it's just something to work through!).


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I've got a brand new mastermind (the Wealth by Design mastermind) coming up in the next month to help a small group of entrepreneurs learn how to apply their Human Design to sell with ease, market themselves, and creating massive amounts of income! I've also got some exciting trainings planned for my low-cost monthly Limitless Membership! AND I'm working on building out a library of Human Design resources for entrepreneurs!


What has being successful taught you?

That happiness is a choice. And feeling good (not stressed, worried, or burnt out) is NECESSARY to creating more success.


What are some fun facts about you?

I've lived abroad in Italy for a year, I used to speak 4 languages, I left an ivy league grad school because it was too easy for me, I studied ballet for 14 years, I'm a published fiction author (flash-fiction, which are tiny stories), I love dogs, and my favorite food in the whole world is mac and cheese!


Connect with Taylor


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