Meet Maria C. Krause... Owner of UNCHAIN Your Inner Strength Magazine

boss babe entrepreneur maria c krause online magazine success Jun 26, 2019

I'm extremely excited to have had the opportunity to talk with Maria C. Krause this week. She is the founder of UNCHAIN Your Inner Strength Magazine, a kick-ass entrepreneur, and a soulful human being. 


 About Maria

Maria C. Krause’s souls mission is to help souls to unchain their inner strength, become more confident and secure of who they are to be and feel successful in all areas of their lives.


Maria  has gone through her own personal struggles and challenges in life, and after battling with severe depression through her mid 30’s while in a toxic abusive relationship. Through her life experiences, self-healing and continuous self-development, Maria helps others through the different stages of their journey to growth.


Maria is the founder and owner of the online magazine and podcast “UNCHAIN your inner strength” and the Facebook tribe “MIND*SOUL*FULL*BODY”. Through her platforms, Maria seeks to reach out to women who are ready to start living life on their own terms, doing what they love and loving who they are.


Maria believes that no one should be boxed for what they do or what they have done, the Universe gives us opportunities every day to be who we were always meant to be, and we have the power to be and do whatever we want if we put our minds and souls into it.


The following is my interview with Maria. My questions in BOLD her answers follow.

What kind of work do you do?

I love helping women discover their strengths, passion, become confident and secure of who they are to be and feel more confident in all areas of their lives.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

Honestly, I have never been great at being bossed around. I find that most people in authority think that they are being good leaders when in reality, most of them, are just wanting to make themselves look better to the boss and put others down.


I was tired of feeling that everything I was doing wasn’t good enough, although I have the efficiency from my father’s side, German; and the hard-working ethics and skills from my mother, who’s from the Philippines. I was done having someone else dictate my worth!


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

Self-belief was the biggest struggle for me, not because I didn’t believe in myself enough; is because I was spending too much of my time and energy listening to what others had to say.

Huge mistake, but we live and learn!


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

LOL! I think we all do, several times during the day, night and our entire journey, is part of the process I think. There was something that I really got clear on that keeps me motivated and drives me to do what I do and never give up… Looking back at my past and the way I was barely living, I’ll never want to feel that way again, empty, unhappy and unfulfilled.


What have you learned since beginning?

Where do I start… Becoming an entrepreneur has unleashed so many different strength of myself that I had lost when I start believing in others more than myself. 

I’ve learned that fear is just an illusion and once we change our perspective on this and everything else, we can see what’s on the other side...and it’s magic. What we are capable of doing and achieving when set the intentions and stay focused, are incredible. I can’t compare this experience to anything else I have lived before; I think everyone should try it!


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Stop comparing yourself to others, not everything is what it seems, especially on the online world. Everyone is going through their own struggles, wins, failures, just like us.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?


You are unique and special, and you have your own journey to live; when you feel  overwhelmed or frustrated, think that once you overcome that, that’s another set of skills that you can add to give value and help others.

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Starting my online magazine. I wanted a magazine since I was a teenager, I love reading, is what sparked my imagination and made me become a daydreamer.

After 25 years, I finally started my own magazine, UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH and I love every minute of it. From connecting with women for collaborations; making new friends; listening to people’s stories; learning from creating the design and editing.


I don’t have any children at the moment… I consider my magazine my baby.

Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

Louise Hay, she changed my life forever. A good friend of mine gave me the book “You can Heal you Life” when I was going through one of the most challenges times in my life, heartbreak, depression, completely lost of who I was and what my purpose in life was. This book open the doors for everything else, for turning my life completely and for find my passion to help others who are going through similar challenges. 


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I do, and I’ve been doing it for the last 6 years, not consistently but I did at the beginning; now I go back everytime I need to get realigned with myself. 

I make sure to listen to my body and soul, to know what I need to work to improve and find absolute bliss and joy in everything I do.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

I work mostly online so social media plays a huge part when it comes to building my business. I used to spend a lot of time on it, now I schedule my time and go on social media with intentions and purpose; either network, give advice when I can; promote my podcast and online magazine. 

I learned not to lose myself scrolling and wasting time when I can be doing something more productive and beneficial that can help others.


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Not making true connections. I see a lot of people starting their own business, which is great but at the same time they make the mistake of trying to grow their network without truly communicating with others. People are not going to follow or buy what you’re offering if they don’t know you, is as simple as that.


Again, intentions… Make real connections and these people are going to support you and be with you all the way and same way around.


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

My brain and creativity! I value these two the most, without them, I wouldn’t have a business!


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

I wished that everyone knew that the people they admire and follow, where once were they now are. Everyone started from somewhere, all it takes is determination and action!

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

Next few months I’ll be launching two new programs; one for women who want to start their own business and the other one for women who are still trying to find their soul purpose in life. I want to be able to empower and encourage as many women as possible.


What has being successful taught you?

That success is not about financial abundance, is everything you become when you challenge yourself and go after your dreams.


What are some fun facts about you?

I have a very loud laugh, very distinctive; so loud that I got kicked out of a cinema in New York city when I went to see the first Austin Powers movie.


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