Meet Kyla Liu.... Master Funnel Builder & Professional Ballroom Dancer

business funnels kyla liu Jul 23, 2020

Interview with Kyla Liu

About Kyla

Kyla is an extroverted funnel nerd who loves serving action-driven entrepreneurs in the online space. Kyla learned about funnels 4 years ago after she graduated with a Bachelors Degree from Brigham Young University and realized she didn’t want to get a traditional job and work for someone else her entire life.  Having built over 50 funnels, Kyla is dedicated to living life on her own terms and helping others do the same. Kyla is also a professional ballroom dancer and shares her love and passion for dance in her business. 


What kind of work do you do?

I am a funnel builder. 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

After graduating from college, which was a hard experience for me, I decided to get a 9-5 job to help my new husband and I pay the bills. This job was not a good fit for me and I felt so stuck and frustrated and those emotions that I was feeling from my job were dripping into other areas of my life and I was not in a good place. Then I made a massive decision and I decided to quit from that job, with no plan and no income coming in the door and I knew I had to figure out something and that is what got me started as an entrepreneur. I knew I did not want to make decisions out of fear and it was about damn time I started living life on my own terms. 


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

The biggest struggle was knowing what I was actually going to sell and who I was going to sell to and when I first started out, I really longed for the big picture of things and general principles that I need to be aware of to be as successful as possible. 


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

One of the clients that I had was great but there was some miscommunication and she got really frustrated and upset and said some pretty hurtful things to me and I was so distraught and felt like the biggest failure on this planet. Not only did I have an unhappy client but I had a million problems to solve and it was so overwhelming and I didn't think I could keep going. I thought about giving up and just going back to work for someone else but the thing that kept me from quitting was, I was scared and felt so uncomfortable dealing with this angry client but I was MORE scared about living the rest of my life unhappy and knew that struggles and trials are apart of the process and that I cannot give up if I want to live my dream lifestyle. 


What have you learned since the beginning?

I have learned that your mindset is so crucial in the success of your business. Without taking care of yourself and that crazy brain, you will never feel fulfilled or truly happy so powering up your operating system is the best thing you can do for your business. 


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Man, there is a lot of amazing advice I have received so it is really hard to choose but one that has changed my life is...when you don't feel motivated or you are scared and feel like you aren't making any progress, just focus on taking one step in front of the other and don't worry about what is happening 10 steps down the road but just focus on tackling on what is front of you. This advice has helped me keep momentum in my business and to not stop progressing when I feel crappy and unmotivated. 


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Honestly, it would be to choose one thing, one source of traffic, and one mentor. Shiny object syndrome is a real thing and can cost you a lot of time when starting out. Starting a business is hard and scary and so I would recommend starting with taking major action and learning from someone who knows how to teach you the strategies you need to be successful.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

I am most proud of my smallest successes, to be honest. The first penny I made from my blog. The first client that bought from me. Being interviewed on someone else's podcast for the first time. 


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

I love to read and there are so many good books out there and one I would recommend is "The Richest Man In Babylon". This book is incredible and taught me so much about business and wealth. 


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

Yes, and it is my routine of daily breathwork and manifestation. My mornings are started by declaring my positive affirmations and in the evenings, I end with the same thing. Then during the day, I try and do at least one breathwork session where I focus on breathing and meditation and I also focus on drinking lots of water during the day. When my body is taken care of, I am more successful because without my health, I don't have anything. 


How has social media played a factor in your success?

At this point, I am using Facebook organic traffic and it has connected me with a lot of amazing people and I also really enjoy making YouTube videos on my channel and I would say it has helped to get my name and my business out to the world. 


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

People being fake because they are so concerned about making the sale. When you are yourself and real from the other side of the screen, you have a greater ability to change lives. Keep the big picture and don't get so caught up in the floof of it all. 


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

3 books have actually been super important tools in my business: DotCom, Expert, and Traffic Secrets from Russell Brunson.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy way out. In fact, most times it is harder but regardless of what you do in your life, make sure the decision was yours and not something someone else wanted or expected from you and work hard and play harder. Life is meant to be enjoyed and don't get caught up in the things that don't really matter. 


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I just launched my new product, The Millionaire Code, which I am so excited about and shares what I have learned from studying over 700 millionaires and in the next few months, I am working on creating a free webinar that will offer value to my customers and sell my funnel building services! I love building funnels and cannot wait to share that with the world!


What has being successful taught you?

It is all about the journey and not about the destination. 


What are some fun facts about you?

  • I have a borderline addiction to sushi. 
  • I REALLY REALLY love dogs and can't wait to own one but the type of dog I want changes every day because I love so many different breeds 
  • I have been ballroom dancing practically my whole life and won several titles, including a National title which is pretty freaking awesome and something I am very proud of. 
  • I can dance for 9 hours a day but if you ask me to run for two minutes, I can barely do that. I got the knees of an 80-year-old :) 
  • I randomly wanted to do a pageant so I did one, won the crown out of my entire age group, and was able to do community service, parades, etc. and dress up in a beautiful gown :) 



My main website:

The Millionaire Code:


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