Meet Keisha Dixon... Wealth Embodiment Coach

author entrepreneur health and wealth coach keisha dixon roadmap to success women in business Jan 17, 2023

Keisha Dixon is a wealth embodiment coach, and creator of 

  •  Monetize Your Mind; 
  • Quantum Conscious Creation;  and 
  • The Brilliant Life 
  • 1:1 coaching containers.  


Keisha is also the author of “Intention:  Command Your Day.  90 Days of Abundance and Manifestation” guided journal.   


With 33 years executive leadership, NLP, Tapping Into Wealth, and John Maxwell Certifications, Keisha is a trauma-informed guide for coaches and healers to shatter their internal glass ceiling, for an increase in income and confidence, so they can really start enjoying the life of their design.


What kind of work do you do?


I am a wealth embodiment coach and I guide coaches and healers who have hit a wall in their income, by guiding them through  processes which uncover their personal wealth blocks and create financial breakthroughs doing the work they feel passionate about.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?


For the last 6 years of my corporate career I commuted to my job in New York City from Pennsylvania by  bus. The commute each way was between 2-3 hours each way.  My job was incredibly stressful, and although the job was a blessing  on paper,  I was miserable. I  felt that misery to the bone for the first 3 hours of my day on the bus, and  the last 3 hours of my day, on the bus. Sometimes I even referred to the  bus as the moving coffin. Because it was transporting me back and forth to earn a living that left me feeling as if the very life was being sucked out of  me.  


While I knew something had to give, the thought of leaving my 6 figure career was as far from possible for me  as the earth is from the sun. Possible for others perhaps, but not me.  Clearly not me because I was in debt up to my eyeballs.  


In fact, month after month, I was in the red in my checking account for  upwards of $2,000. I had no savings to speak of. Not liquid savings  anyway. Occasionally I would put 200 or 300 dollars in my savings account,  and then would spend it on groceries before I received the next paycheck.  My credit score was EMBARRASSING. In fact, my dismal credit score is  what really made me feel stuck at this job, because in my mind I suspected  to apply for other positions as an executive in my industry, the background  check would include a credit check.  


Here’s what’s  interesting — while I was creating all kinds of drama in my  own money story, I frequently, month after month, found myself lending  money to others. Paying their rent, their bills, basically on some level  supporting them, and yet when it was time to be paid back, I wouldn’t see a  red cent. So I could literally say month after month, I support others, and no one supports me. I was incapable of setting let alone holding a  boundary.  I had no backbone.  


Self-care was a joke. I was also stuffing down my feelings of sadness and  truthfully, feelings of anger with sugary snacks and I had the only time I had  for myself was spent on the bus with 50 other strangers.  


Relationships, healthy relationships anyway were non-existent, and I  didn’t feel sexy.  Truthfully I couldn’t feel much at all, I had literally stuffed my feelings down.  I was l exhausted, simply existing and not living.  


I knew something had to give, and I sought the assistance of a coach and a guide to help get me out of misery.  That is when I fell in love with the power and impact of coaching, mentoring and healing.  I was crystal clear that I wanted to guide others to their brilliant life!  


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?


When I got really clear that I wanted to leave my 6-figure corporate career to coach women, I was SO SCARED.  


Really frightened to leave the security of a mid-six figure corporate paycheck and 6 figure annual bonus.  I was unsure I would be able to survive, much less thrive in business  for myself.  


I gave myself a year. 


A year to get ready.


A year to get my finances in  order and my business on track so that I could leave corporate and still  support my family. 


Basically I was looking for evidence that I could do it.  


And you know what happened?  


A year went by, and I didn’t have the  evidence I said I wanted.  


So I started really digging deep within. 12 weeks later I woke up with all the  evidence that I needed.


I woke up and knew that I knew that I deserved to  be happy. 


I didn’t believe that I deserved to be happy. I knew. 


The difference for me in believing and knowing was as simple as this:


My name is Keisha.  I don’t believe my name is Keisha. I know my name is Keisha. Nothing and nobody in this world would ever be able to tell me otherwise. My knowing my name is Keisha can never be shaken from my core.   No matter what anyone else may call me: mother, sister, daughter, friend, enemy and everything in between, I have a knowing that my name is Keisha.  


So when I woke up with that unshakable unmistakeable KNOWING that I  deserved happiness, I cut ties with those things that I linked to unhappiness.  


Like that day…April 20, 2018, the first thing I left was my 6 hour commute.  Yes, I walked away from the job.


For over a year I was looking for evidence  that I could do it, that I could replace my income, and I couldn’t get there.  When I started to really dig deep, 12 weeks later I KNEW with all my  heart, soul and mind that I deserved to be happy, I was able to disconnect  from the thing that made me the most unhappy, my commute. 


Even though at that moment I had 1 client. It didn’t matter, all the mattered to me was being in alignment with my knowing that Happiness is what I deserve.  


A few days later, not only did I have clients, I was also booked on podcasts.  People were literally reaching out to me for coaching. 


A few weeks later I  was in magazine articles and even graced a cover of a magazine. 


Within  the first 11 months of leaving corporate I have been a covergirl TWICE, hosted my own radio show broadcast,  booked paid speaking engagements, and signed on new clients month after month. 


I even moved from Pennsylvania to sunny  Florida, having manifested a beach house in 13 days from sight to closing,  keys in hand. 


I was able to  make this pivot at 50 years old.  I found my version of happy (which I now call Joy) and I felt that joy before I had any material evidence that I could sustain myself.  



Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?


Apart from the year I gave myself to make the leap, I haven’t looked back.  


Whenever I find myself in a bit of a mind wobble, I swiftly shift my perspective to align with my highest good for myself and others who come are positively impacted by my business.



What have you learned since beginning?


I’ve learned that I am a conscious creator.  That even the hurdles, obstacles and mountains contain gifts for me.  I’ve learned even when it feels like I’m walking through a valley of shadows I have the power within to create brilliance and receive my desires.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?


Practical advice - create a Facebook group (community);  remember that leads are actually lives, not numbers, and should be treated with dignity and honor


Spiritual advice - take the time to connect with self through meditation, tapping, journaling (whatever practice feels great to you), that way you are giving from your overflow and living your life poured out from overflow is monetization on steroids

Mind/Body Advice — honor all the feelings and emotions, and then release them


What advice would you give someone just starting out?


The internal work, mindset and energetics, is critical for quantum leaps and sustainable results, and that is a daily practice.  The “Sudden Success Stories” that we crave, when deconstructed have a common theme:


  1. The internal work (mindset/ mind-body connection/ energetics)
  2. Taking inspired action, even small actions which compound and create momentum
  3.  Imagine and feel your success as if it is already done



What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?


The professional wins I’m most proud of are the client success stories (too many to list them all!). Some of my personal favorites are


Client manifesting 10x her income within 10 days (from 5K to 50K months)

Client jumping from 20K months to 100,000K months and retiring her husband (within 4 months of our working together)

Client going from questioning her new business pivot to signing 4 $250K corporate contracts signed (total $1M) within 2 weeks of our processing through the self-doubt
Client going from $19 an hour to $1K in one hour


Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?


A Happy Pocketful of Money, by David Cameron Gikandi

Rich In Love, by Sunni Chapman

The Power Of Awareness, by Neville Goddard

Your Faith is Your Fortune, by Neville Goddard

Feeling Is The Secret, by Neville Goddard

Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?


The routine that I attest to my success is Commanding My Day.


I’m a journaler. I have been since childhood, although it wasn’t until the unexpected death of my son Chase Xavier Lantigua, that I radically shifted my journaling practice to a daily intentional manifestation ritual. 


The morning after receiving the devastating news of Chase’s unexpected transition, as I was waking up, I felt the following words: 


This isn’t good. This is not going to be a good day. 


It wasn’t an audible voice, it felt more like a feeling and an awareness that the “Day” that was speaking directly to me.


 My spirit was deeply troubled by this. This continued for a few days as I was just waking up.  My grieving spirit was becoming increasingly irritated. 


As a coach and healer, I am an avid believer that we were created by the creator to co-create our reality. Those aren’t simply words to me, I lived that. I taught that. I coached other woman to design and co-create brilliant lives of their own. 


I’ve built a thriving coaching practice guiding women to suspend disbelief and double their income in their business. 


I would often quip: 


It not ’it is what it is’ ... It is what I decide! 


And yet there I was, in a state of grief, blindly accepting my day commanding me, rather than me commanding my day. 


Finally, on the third day, in a moment of spontaneous clarity, I opened my eyes, and I whispered back: 


No, I command my day, my day does not command me. 


My spirit quickened, and I sat up in my bed, and said louder: 


I command my day, the day does not command me. 


By the time I headed to the shower I was practically screaming in indignation: 




From that day forward, no matter the circumstance, as I wake up I set my intention for the day, and journal, I intentionally choose to command my day. 


I state my intention and call forth those things that are not as if they are, in full expectation to see my desires manifest. 


I decide my response rather than falling into a blind reaction to external events or circumstances. 



The results of this practice have been phenomenal and I have constant, consistent evidence of #ofcoursemiracles and abundance show up in my life as a result. 


There was no way I was keeping this to myself so I published a journal:  Command Your Day, 90 Days of Abundance and Manifestation. 


On each page I have shared  my personal practice and it is my intention that for every reader, (should they choose to receive it),  that their intentions and imaginations documented on the pages, poured out from their heart, leap off the page, and show up in their reality, for the highest good of all.


How has social media played a factor in your success?


Social media has played a huge factor in my success.  80% of my clients are ones I’ve met online (or have been referred from someone I met online).  Facebook and LinkedIn are the platforms that I have had the most impact on.



What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?


The biggest social media mistakes I see commonly made is not showing up as your authentic self, in your own voice, and using someone else’s opinion or words as the basis of your post.


Purchasing ads before proof of concept from organic sales.


Forgetting that ‘leads’ are actually lives, real people who deserve to be treated as more than simply a number.




What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?


Fathom recorder and transcription has changed the game for me!   It automatically records my Zoom sessions, and provides word-for-word transcription moments after the zoom call has ended.  This is a phenomenal resource to really capture the words and insights that occur during channeled client sessions.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?


I wish everyone knew they are the key to their liberation!


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?


I’m planning a retreat in New Mexico in the next few months and I am writing a new book!  Super excited about both ventures.


What has being successful taught you?


Being successful has taught me that I’ve always been successful.  


We all are Success.

You experienced success the moment you came through.

Your family of origin and the events of your birth does not change that truth.

So when you feel into designing the life or business of your dreams, it is simply a remembrance you are already success.


To feel that success in every cell of your being (and magnetize more success to you) there is first an Unbecoming.


Unbecoming the programmed version of you who was trained to forget:


You are Success.

This Unbecoming allows you to:


🙌 Follow your internal guidance despite what other's are doing;


🦄 Pave the way on the road less traveled; and


🔥 Throw out other people's systems in exchange for the specific consonants and vowels that spell out the creation that's already been created inside you.


Unbecoming can feel wobbly and uncomfortable, and when you allow yourself to go there, you become more you than ever before!


It means you have reconnected to your remembrance of the truth


You are Success.



What are some fun facts about you?


Some fun facts about me:


I'm a mother of 6, grandmother of 4, and almost 5 years ago, after 33 years in corporate, 18 of which were in executive leadership, I left the golden-handcuff loop, stopped living in someday, and launched my wealth embodiment coaching business full-time.


In my lifetime I have moved 24 times (and completely manifested my latest home being GIVEN to me)! 


Navigating change is a zone I thrive in, and as a mani/gen 3/5 I share and teach from my experience (and great experiments) naturally.


My imagination is my superpower, and as a child, I had a make-believe friend, Cobbacobbadeda, who moved to Alaska when I was 13. And yeah, I know, in hindsight she probably wasn't all that make-believe. 


 I often see 100s of possibilities/outcomes to everyday circumstances, there are no corners to be backed up against in my world, and yet I am incredibly DECISIVE.  


I shift my storyline every time I ask myself, now what would feel better than this? I am a great alchemist.


I coach woman to embody their wealth, because that was the area I struggled the most in, even while earning mid-six in corporate. Doing the work and embodying my own wealth has created the biggest pay-off in ALL areas of my life and provided healing for deep-seated personal and generational traumas. Money has been a happy byproduct. My clients have a similar experience with my work.


I'm  courageous ASF, and I am fire. I have range.


Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, Clairgustance, and Clairvoyance mostly in that order.


I've published a self-guided journal "Intention: Command Your Day, 90 Days of Abundance and Manifestation" which contains my morning intention rituals, that I do faithfully.


Throughout the day I laugh, sing, dance, and cry easily and sometimes simultaneously.


I embrace my mess and my miracle because I am magic from sunup to sundown, moonrise to moon fall and every moment in between.  I am magic.


How can our readers find you online?


You can find me online:

Facebook Group:  The $100,000 Minute - with Keisha Dixon {}

YouTube:  @TQTVMonetizeYourMind

Instagram:  iamkeishadixon



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