Meet Janet Mohapi-Banks... Best Selling Author, Speaker, & Breakthrough Coach

author coach entrepeneur janet mohapi-banks women in business Jun 30, 2020

Interview with Janet Mohapi-Banks

About Janet

Janet Mohapi-Banks is an International Best Selling Author, Speaker and Breakthrough Coach for established and ambitious female solo entrepreneurs. With a foundational basis of self-love and self-acceptance, Janet mixes metaphysics, mindset and energy work to help her clients develop the ‘already mine’ attitude and mindset that takes them through their $100K ceiling with ease.

Before becoming an International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Breakthrough Coach, Janet was an award winning luxury cake designer at the top of her field. She was exactly where she wanted to be but she overworked so badly that she almost died after developing a life-threatening digestive disorder. After 5 years of being ill, and having prepared her will and arranged her affairs, Janet was thankfully fixed by a chiropractor so with this second chance of life it is her mission to help others awaken to the power they have to reach the levels of success they dream of and the abundance, happiness and joy that is our natural state to be in.

What kind of work do you do?  

I am an International Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Breakthrough Coach for ambitious and high-achieving female entrepreneurs.

What inspired you to become an author?  

Having burned out of my previous business of being an award winning Luxury Wedding Cake Designer to the point of very nearly dying, I know that it is my purpose to help people to achieve the amazing success and happiness that are our birthright, without experiencing the life threatening stress and struggle that I had lived with.  Writing Habits for Happiness was my way of sharing the knowledge and understanding that I had gained over the years to as many people as possible.

What’s your favorite aspect of writing?

I love it when I get into the flow and the words just come through my fingers and onto the page. I think my favorite moments are when I read back what I’ve written and I’m surprised and impressed by what I read.  It doesn’t always happen, but when it happens it’s amazing.  

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I’ve been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember.  I think it comes from being psychologically unemployable. When I was employed, I would always think of different ways to do things that I felt were more efficient and effective so I often felt frustrated and annoyed if I wasn’t calling the shots.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

At the beginning, the notion that I “should” be further along held me back for quite a while. Once you realize that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, everything gets easier as you’re no longer in resistance to "what is”.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

No, I can honestly say that I have never felt like giving up.  In my previous cake business I had to close that down because of my ill-health but it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. When you make the firm decision that your business is going to work out brilliantly, no matter what, giving up never even crosses your mind.

What have you learned since beginning?

Self-love and self-acceptance really is the key to getting everything you want. When you love yourself unapologetically and completely, you will always take the action steps necessary to bring your dreams into reality.  Self-judgement can’t exist when you love every aspect of yourself so your inner critic becomes your inner cheerleader.  And you also need unshakable trust and belief in yourself so when doubts appear, you’re able to see them for what they are, which is usually a lie.  Then you can soothe the doubt and love it for the protective child version of you that it is, and reassure that aspect of you that everything is awesome.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Everybody is looking for safety and love. When you can hold that need in people so they can relax their sympathy nervous system, you create an environment for growth.

What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Be as authentically You as you possibly can and celebrate every achievement. 

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

I’m really proud to have won my business award in 2010 for my luxury cake business but most recently, helping one of my clients multiplying their bank balance by 8 times was incredible. 

Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

For personal development I have to recommend my book Habit for Happiness. And for success I’d have to go old school and say the classics of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles.

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success?

If yes, what is it? For me success is all about the mindset you have. I know that meditation and journaling have created an environment within me that is conducive to creating the peace of thought that allows the guidance from my highest self to be heard.

How has social media played a factor in your success?

For both of the main businesses I’ve had, all of the contacts I’ve made, which have created the opportunities for success, have been through social media.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

I see so many people forget the “social” aspect of social media. Essentially, marketing and business has always been about building relationships but in the online space, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being a broadcaster instead of a communicator.  The other thing I see is people copying others without giving credit and that shows a lack of self-confidence and self-trust in their own work and message, so they sadly come across as being inauthentic. 

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?  

I use Telegram to communicate with my clients between calls and I like that. And when I had an assistant we used Trello to keep things in order, but apart from email delivery and social media, I don’t use an a lot of tangible tools. 

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You can’t do it wrong. What happens was always meant to happen by virtue of the fact that it happened! It’s all just stepping stones along the way, so walk courageously. 

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

 I am just starting a brand new show called Breakthrough Now! which will be released onto YouTube. I’m very excited about that and I’ve got some amazing guests lined up. The premise of it is educational but also entertaining and it’s aimed at experienced entrepreneurs who really want to fly.

What has being successful taught you?

The opinions of others, especially those who aren’t playing the same game as you, really don’t matter. I think it was Brené Brown that said something like, “If you’re not in the arena getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback”. I think it’s a brilliant quote that applies to all of life but especially business.

What are some fun facts about you?

In my previous previous life I was a computer programmer and I have a first class degree in Computer Science.  I also believe that computer programming is as creative as cake design! 


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