Meet Jamie Nuss... Business & Personal Development Coach
Jun 14, 2019
I'm excited to introduce you to Jamie Nuss who is an absolute badass, tell-it-like-it-is coach!
From Jamie
Hey, I'm Jamie, a Personal Development & Business Coach!
I help you bring out who you know you're meant to be so we create the business you're meant to have!
So much of what isn't working right now in someone's biz is because they haven't figured out how to step into the person they KNOW they're supposed to be-->a person with unwavering self-esteem, fiercely confident in their convictions, leading and speaking their truth without fear...and the desire for this confident badass person to be here, NOW!
Which means their current business isn't an aligned reflection of themselves, making clarity, visibility, program creation & signing clients feel confusing, frustrating and forced. All things which DON’T lead to the dream of freedom, happiness, and fulfillment.
I work with clients to teach them how to step into who they're ready to be and then shift their current business to be in synch with this true version of themselves. THIS is when business becomes easy, feels good and is fun...and the money follows!
The following is our interview, my questions in Italics, her answers to follow:
What kind of work do you do?
I’m a Personal Development & Business Coach!
You Recently Did Some World Travelling; Did being an entrepreneur play a factor in enabling you to travel? Tell us about your experience.
I did recently travel! I was in NYC, Israel, and Jordan! I’ve been traveling and location independent since 2007 and hands down having the freedom to be anywhere there’s internet has played a HUGE role. I think it’s also important to add that I don’t have a ton of responsibilities as it’s me, my boyfriend, and my pup!
What inspired you to get started?
Actually, I began the journey of working for myself when someone saw my talents in identifying trends and how tuned-in I was to the performance of a business and what the customers thought of it. This person offered to teach me the ropes of being a Stock Analyst and it set me on a new path of consulting! There were a lot of reasons I switched into coaching, but I always knew having my own business would never stop being a must!
What was your biggest struggle to get things going?
It’s funny because I could give a lot of answers to this and I like to call the online space the Wild West! But at the end of the day, identifying my natural true aligned calling, as well as needing to tackle some insecurities, really caused a lot of my struggle.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
Oh, hell yes! Many times and I remember my final moment of ever thinking about it like it was yesterday. What kept me from quitting was deciding I was going to make my business work on my terms, no matter what. And if I was committing to it, then I was going to fully commit! That was the last time I ever thought about walking away!
What have you learned since beginning?
What HAVEN’T I learned?! No, but the reality is I learned who I was, who I wanted to be, and how to get there. Once you get past the “is this a viable idea for my business”, you realize everything you’re experiencing is a reflection of who you are and how you feel about yourself!
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
The best advice I’ve received was from my dad, who always said, “Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and never stop moving.” It’s really applied to every single aspect of my life and it’s about no matter what’s going on, good or bad, you just keep taking those steps and you’ll eventually get through it. I’d say the best advice I’ve gotten when it comes to my online coaching business is that it’s all going to be my energy behind what I’m doing for me to reach my goals.
People can find me on FB
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
I’d tell them their brand, visibility, and strategy mean nothing until they LIVE it and SHARE it…to look at the truth they live every day, the one they’re passionate about above all else, and this is where they want to speak from...and most importantly that success comes from making sure they have a clear, strong idea of their sense of Self because then you design a business around who you truly are and everything you create comes from a place of alignment. So yeah, a few things I’d say, lol!
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
I’m most proud of redefining what success means to me. It’s crazy easy to get caught up in the money aspect, the number of clients or program spots you fill, and things of this nature. But I’ve learned if I’m looking to anything outside myself to define me being successful, then I’m actually not succeeding. So it’s been a game-changer in my business and my life!
Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?
I’d recommend “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz. I believe we can connect almost every problem we have to a lack of self-value and this book gets into teaching you how to address it.
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
I don’t know if you’d call it a routine, really, but I believe in practicing awareness and being radically honest with myself. You can’t have the things you want in life if you’re not willing to see how you fit into the problems or stand in the way. It’s not easy to do, it takes practice, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But it DOES become a skill you develop over time and you become quicker to understand, in the moment, what’s happening in your world when you feel a certain way. Which means you can shift yourself out of it that much faster and learn to make decisions in your best interest. All this leads to a massive change in how you feel about yourself and to me it’s the secret to life!
How has social media played a factor in your success?
Simply put, the world is at your fingertips! You no longer need to live near someone in order to serve them and your reach is limitless! So it’s a great platform and tool to share what you do, connect, and build relationships!
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
There’s not enough space to type my response! I mean, look...a lot of people who come into the online space have zero business experience. So they start their business, answer surface-level questions around what they do & who they help, and dive into strategy. But then they realize they’re selling themselves, and all the baggage they’ve lugged around for years comes to the surface and hinders them from saying what they want & being who they want because of fear, doubt and insecurity. Usually this leads to people not realizing they’re business isn’t emotionally connecting to who they hope it does, which presents in all sorts of ways, but that’s the shortest I can make this answer!
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
Not an exciting answer, but FB scheduling.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
I wish everyone knew so much of what they’re struggling with all goes back to not having a strong sense of Self. This is what I call it when you combine your self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth. Everything always goes back to this and when you address who you are, you master the world around you!
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I’m literally about to start sharing my latest offer, called “Bye, Bitch!” for the person who has known who she’s meant to be and wants to be, but hasn’t been able to step into her. If someone’s thought, “Omg, I have who I’m being right now but in my head is who I REALLY want to be but I don’t know how do I become her!”….then this is THE program to finally step into your badassness!
What has being successful taught you?
It’s taught me how powerful I truly am within myself and that happiness exists apart from everything external.
What are some fun facts about you?
Hmmm...I’m obsessed with my Yorkie, I love stories with strong female characters, I watch the same movies over and over again, and I go through food phases. Right now I can’t stop eating fake meat tacos from a local drive-through place!
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