Meet Jacquelynn Cotten... Multi-passionate Entrepreneur and Podcast Host

business coach entrepreneur jacquelynn cotten just women talking sh!t podcast Oct 17, 2021

Jacquelynn Cotten isn’t your average entrepreneur. She dabbles in this and dabbles in that. She is the founder of the Just Women Talking Sh!t podcast, a motivational speaker, breastfeeding advocate, published children’s author, creator of the Female, Fearless, & Bad-Ass Community for Growing, Unapologetic Women, women’s coach, and a singer-songwriter by nature. Her corporate background lies in marketing, social media management, content creation, brand awareness, event planning, and sales. Her pride and joys are being a mother to her two biological children, her three bonus babies, and a wife to her best friend. This southern mama is a breath of fresh air. She is open, honest, real, raw, down to earth, and authentically unapologetic, sailor’s mouth and all, whichever hat she happens to be wearing. 


What kind of work do you do?


What don’t I do? (laughs) I honestly have a serious case of squirrel brain and it’s probably my biggest setback. 


I am an author, writer, motivational speaker, women’s coach, musician, podcast creator and host, and breastfeeding advocate/influencer. 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?


I have wanted to be an entrepreneur ever since I was a little girl. I saw how hard my mother worked and I never wanted to be dependent on someone else when I became an adult. Granted, I did and I worked for others most of my adult life. That came with the territory and helped me become the woman I am today.

My first defining moment was when I realized that I was working to pay to go to work. I was a single mother simply doing the best I could, but it was never enough. I juggled utilities and expenses so that my bills were paid enough so that they wouldn’t get shut off. Most of my money went to childcare and it hurt me to the core.

Then again in 2019, right before the pandemic and shutdown hit, I was let go from my last corporate position. Prior to my recruiting and marketing position, I had been working as an internet sales manager for a dealership. I left that toxic environment with the promise of a well-paying and healthier environment. I remember the feeling of humiliation and disappointment of being let go a week before Thanksgiving with Christmas right around the corner. But in the midst of the anger and resentment, I found relief. That relief led to peace and that peace led to the drive to figure out how to overcome this obstacle and never be in that situation again. I have found ways to make my own income without being under someone else’s thumb ever since.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?


The biggest struggle was figuring out how to get started. As I said, I have a serious case of squirrel brain. There are a million ideas and things I want to do. For me, it was most difficult figuring out that I have to take it one idea at a time and keep focused. It’s something I continuously struggle with but I’ve gotten much better at delegating my attention. Learning to do this has allowed me to sell out my first ever business coaching class, build a beautiful group program right after, self-publish a children’s book, start a successful podcast, and raise awareness as an influencer for normalizing breastfeeding in public. 


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

Oh absolutely! I have thought about it many times and still do sometimes. I think this is something a lot of entrepreneurs don’t talk about. We tend to see business owners, especially in the online space and coaching industry, rant and rave about how it “gets to be easy” once we “lean into” this or lean into that. But the truth is, it’s fucking hard. There are so many times I get discouraged. There are so many times I don’t hit my income goal. There are so many times that I struggle with not feeling enough and find myself comparing my results and success to those around me who seem to have it all figured out. But then I remember this one little detail. I will only fail if I choose to quit. That’s what keeps me going. I know people need me. I know people need my light in this crazy, dark world. I know that little girl Jacquelynn believes I can do it and that others may not be talking about all their failures but it certainly doesn’t mean they don’t have them. I want to build a legacy and leave my children and children’s children with generational wealth. I want them to know who I am and who I was. I want my children to see that you can do anything you set your mind to and I want to spend my last years with my husband. He works so hard for us and I want to do the same for him so he doesn’t have to spend his second half busting his ass like a majority of our elderly population does. We found each other in our second halves. I want to enjoy life together and not work it away then die.


What have you learned since the beginning?

I have learned so damn much it is almost difficult to put into words. I would say my main takeaways are to be me, be unapologetic, and quit worrying about what anyone thinks in the process. Unless they pay my bills, their opinions don’t really matter. 


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Release the timeline. Commit to the result.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Put your blinders on! Keep your eyes on the vision. Stay focused. Do your best not to compare your journey to someone else’s because your journey is like no one else’s. When you feel like giving up, go do something that allows you to take your mind off work. Don’t work and work without allowing yourself to have a break. The whole point of building a business is to have more time freedom, liberty, and enjoy life before it’s up. Embody that and take good care of yourself inside and out. I know we focus on the milestones and income goals, but it’s truly all about the journey it takes to get there so enjoy the ride.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?


I have some pretty incredible interviews and episodes of Just Women Talking Sh!t coming up. I’d have to say I’m pretty proud of that. I am honestly just getting started with my entrepreneurship, so I don’t have all these fancy things to mention like “has appeared in Yahoo! Finance, appeared on Fox or Forbes” and so on. But I am 100% committed to creating an impact. My heart’s desire is to help as many people as humanly possible before I die. So watch out, World.  Here I come. 


Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development?


The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins 

It changed my life.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

Nearly every opportunity and connection I have encountered has been through social media. I am an introvert at heart. I have struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life. I found comfort in this online world where people didn’t know me as the weird, quiet girl with no friends. It allowed people to see me for me without judgment, assumed ideas, or hearsay. I have built a name for myself through social media. I’ve found clients through social platforms, have made best friends, and give most credit to social media for my success thus far because I naturally am not a social butterfly in the real world. The nerdy girl in me finds comfort behind a screen and I am okay with that. 


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?


The biggest mistakes I see made are participating/engaging in controversial subjects, using your platform as a soapbox, and spamming the crap out of people. I cannot stand an outright cold message or “hey girl” inquiry. 


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

Grammarly! I absolutely love Grammarly. I am a writer by nature and so when I write… I write. Considering my lack of focus or attention to detail can get the best of me, it keeps me in line and catches mistakes that I may not.

I especially love Google Drive and Zoom as well.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

There is no one like you. Literally… There is no other person on this planet that inhabits everything within you, so embrace that. Don’t try to be like anyone else. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” That’s probably my favorite Oscar Wilde quote because it’s so true. Just be true to yourself and fuck what anyone else thinks. If you’re not hurting anyone intentionally and it makes you happy, do it. Don’t apologize for leading and living a fulfilled life. 


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I am working on quite a few things. A lot of people disagree with the structure of my creativity, but I’m used to it. I’m currently working on my first standup comedy routine. I have a book in the works. I’m working on an affirmation accessories and apparel line. I’m continuously interviewing women for my podcast. I’m finishing up some NLP, hypnotherapy, and life coaching certifications. I honestly have so much in the works. Your readers will have to find me to follow all the ventures because this mama stays hella busy!



What has being successful taught you?


It has taught me that if you want something badly enough, you can have it. All ideas start small and it’s up to you to make them into something tangible otherwise they’re just ideas floating around in your head. I want to be that person people remember for doing things not just talking a big game. It’s also taught me that success is what you make of it. Every win is worth celebrating because the little wins lead to the big ones.

What are some fun facts about you?


I have a song about this actually. It’s called Can You Keep a Secret. Anyhoo, I oddly enough like the smell of skunk from far away. I think it goes back to childhood when my dad would pop open a hoppy beer. That very smell that makes other people cringe makes me think of beer. I keep receipts as paper memories. I cook when I need to clear my mind. I’m a damn good cook, too. I enjoy crocheting blankets. I especially love making baby blankets for friends and family who are expecting. I’ve never been out of the USA. I so badly want to change that. I am terrified of heights (climbing stairs, going up escalators, elevators, tall buildings, and so forth) but love traveling by airplane, riding roller coasters, and going down water slides. I almost died at birth, am the oldest of six, am super intuitive, and could eat tacos daily… and sometimes do. 



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Her podcast is also available almost anywhere you get podcasts!

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