8 Steps in 8 Minutes to get on the Vibration of Abundance & Success for your Entire Day!

8 minutes affirmations attractor business entrepeneur focus freedom fun goals health and wealth coach intention joy makeover your mindset manifesting money morning routine powerful roadmap to success visualization wealth Jul 27, 2023

One of the number one reasons that people do not have a consistent morning routine is because they feel they don’t have enough time for it.

Study after study has shown us, without a doubt, the most successful people in the world carve out time for their morning routine, because it sets them up for success throughout the rest of their day.

Consistency is key, and to be consistent, our routine must be feasible to fit in even on our busiest of days.

Your morning routine doesn’t need to sprawl on for an hour or more (unless you have the time and desire to sit deeper into it). I’ve created this power-packed 8-minute routine for you, to kick off the your day with the critical steps that will align you for success!

What’s one thing about your life you’re grateful for?
What’s one thing about yourself you’re grateful for?
What’s one thing about your business/work that you’re grateful for?

What is something you’ve been holding onto that’s no longer serving you that you can release? Maybe it’s self-doubt, or fear, or an old business model, or a deteriorating relationship – whatever it is, decide that you’re no longer willing to carry that burden, and metaphorically, physically, or through a necessary action, set it down for good (set boundaries or do whatever is necessary to implement this.)

Anger, hate, and sadness at the way we’ve been treated by other people, only hurts us. Forgiveness isn’t to offer absolution to the person(s) who’ve done wrong by you, but instead is giving the gift of freedom and healing to yourself. Pick one person who you still feel anger or sadness towards, and in you minds eye, shrink them down until they’re small enough to stand in the palm of your hand. Say, or think, “I forgive you for the pain you’ve caused me, and thank you for the lessons that experience helped me to learn. I release you.” Then picture blowing them away and out of your life.

Place your hand over your heart, and say aloud or read in your head:
I am love
I am Joy
I am Abundance
I act on opportunities
I am Rich
I am a Money Magnet
I am successful
I am ambitious
I earn money while at work and while at play
My bank account is always growing
I am committed to be a life long learner
I am compassionate
I am healthy
I am loved
I am understanding
I am beautiful
I make time for me
I give and treat others in the way I wish to be treated
I love giving and receiving
I am in the flow with money
My net worth is always growing
I am generous

Our intentions govern everything that we do. By setting a focal point for your day, you have a reference to gut check before each action you take. For example, if you make your intention, “To treat everyone with compassion and understanding today,” then before you respond to any interaction you’ll be internally checking to ensure your actions match your intention.

Close your eyes, and picture going through your whole day, from eating breakfast, to work, travelling, chores, checking e-mails, etc. all the way to getting in bed at night, and imagine each thing you do being the best version/outcome of that activity. Studies have been done with professional athletes, studying those who physically train VS those that also mentally visualize the game and picture themselves winning – those that visualize winning have significantly improved performance.

Life is reciprocal. One of the Universal Laws is “Cause and Effect” or “Karma” or “The Golden Rule.” Whatever you give, you receive back – amplified! If you desire love, give love, if you desire to be heard and understood, listen and be understanding of others, if you desire wealth, create value in other people’s lives. Decide what it is you desire, and then commit to give that to one other person today.

We’re energetic beings living in an energetic Universe. Just like a radio, you can only hear that station you’re tuned into. Change the frequency you’re on to change what you’re receiving. Imagine that you’re living your ultimate dreams life, and what that looks life – what do you do with your time? How do you spend your days? Who do you spend your time with? How much money do you have? Use all of this and lean into HOW you feel at that stage? Embody that energy and confidence now.

P.S. 8 is the numerological number representing abundance, so we’re weaving that energy in by having an 8-step process!

P.P.S. come join me for LOVE. HEAL. GROW. to go deeper. Learn more Here!

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