$175.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Launch Codes [6-Month Payment Plan]

YOU will Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about how to successfully Launch, so that you:

🚀Pick the right Launch Window for your Specific Offer

🚀Price Your Offer Perfectly 

🚀Create irresistible Sales Copy

🚀Know when you need a sales page (and when you don’t!) 

🚀Understand buyer psychology so you know how to market properly 

🚀Keenly grasp the sales process and how to close

🚀Can Map out Your Launch with Ease

🚀Understand and implement the various key components that create a successful launch

🚀Hit Your Sales Goals

🚀 Feel confident showing up for the entire Launch Process

🚀Sell Out all Your Seats

🚀Have the INSIDER Tips on Exponential Growth

...And so much more!

You Will Get:

🚀 Powerfully packed LAUNCH trainings Monday-Friday Each Week

🚀 Guidance from Master Coach Amanda Rose

🚀 Group Support 

…And Much more!


*HST is included in the price for Canadian Clientele