$111.11 USD

12 monthly payments

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The Content Queens Picnic

You're Formally Invited to the Content Queens Royal Picnic!

On the Menu:
🐝Niches, and offers, and copy #OhMy
🌹Formatting for Maximum readability Your Platform
🐝Messaging as sweet as marmalade
🌹Growing eye-catching rose-gardens your audience cannot look away from
🐝Honeyed words for engrossed engagement
🌹Help your clients enjoy the roses without the thorns by *not* hyper focusing on pain points #DontTouchTheThorns
🐝Conversion rates that fill up your Beehive #BuzzBuzz
🌹Nurturing your Honeybees so that They produce lots of Honey #MakePoohBearHappy
🐝Gardening for Fruitful Crops of Clients
🌹A lot of puns, metaphors, jokes (fair warning, no guarantees that they'll all be good jokes), cuss words, and candid real-ness

You'll get:
👑2-weeks of in-depth trainings with the Content Queens, Sophie Bee and Amanda Rose
👑Feedback on Your Content
👑Groups Support
👑Unlimited Access to revisit these teachings


*HST Is Included in the Price for Canadian Clientele